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Tank Breather Valves

Used to protect tanks from excessive pressure/vacuum, the Tank Breather Valves we offer are among the most sought after in the market owing to their superior build quality and reliability. The valves are used in industries dealing with liquids and are known for their unmatched accuracy. Designed by making use of several advanced technologies, the valves are highly durable and deliver rated performance. The valves are tested along various quality and performance parameters and are in keeping with international standards of quality. Today, the valves are being used by several leading brands owing to their high quality and market leading pricing.
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Breather Valve

Price: 10000 INR/Piece

We are the manufacturer, supplier and exporter of Breather Valves from Chennai-India to Globally are extensively used for automatic venting and for conservation of losses due to evaporation. Breather valves minimizes the risk of fire and collapsing of tank by relieving automatically the dangerous pressure and vacuum occurring in the tank due to any reason. Products are mainly used in the low pressure tanks and vessels.

Product Image (BK-VRV-2000)

Vaccum Relief Valve

Price: 7500.00 INR/Piece

LFCE Manufacturing and EXPORTING Industrial Valves like : Vacuum Relief Valve, Pressure Relief Valve, Safety Valve, Ball Float Valves for the process industries. Our Vaccum Relief Valves are much suitable for Food and Brewerages, Sugar and Distilleries, Drugs and Pharma Projects. We are much interested on EXPORT enquiry/Orders. We have good infrastructure facility to EXPORT our range of products in the global market

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Pressure cum Vacum Relief Valve

Price: 15000.00 INR/Piece

LFCE Manufacturing and EXPORTING Pressure cum Vacuum Relief Valve (Breather Valve) for the process industries and Bio Gas, Hydro Carbon Projects. It will do the dual function such as control the orverpressure as well as control negative-vacuum pressure. EXPORT enquiry and orders are well executed in time


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